A New Beginning

21 12 2010

I’m so glad that a new year is about to begin. I’m in desparate need for a “new” beginning.

With all that has been going on in my life, a new year will symbolize a new start. Almost like a do-over. But a do-over with the knowledge of what went wrong in the past.

I thank God for all the trials I’ve had to face this year. They have made me stronger and have brought me closer to him.

Someone told me:

“Life is a journey in to self-discovery, without adversity we wouldn’t learn and develop.”

How true it is. I’m a definite witness to this. I’ve learned so much about myself in the last two years and I know I’ll learn so much more in the months to come. And boy have I developed. I never would have imagined I’d be where I am now, mentally and spiritually.

Okay, got to go, just wanted to say something before the new year came in.

God’s Love,



One response

4 01 2011

I’m ready and needing to have a good year! The past three have been doozies!

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