I’m Doing Better

23 08 2009

Okay, so it’s been a few days since the last time I posted. I was really stressing out on Wednesday but I’m doing better now.

I’ve actually already started on my assignments. I’ve read the first chapter in my Geometry book. I couldn’t do the homework assignment though because I have to know something about high school geometry to do this class. It was 19 years ago when I took high school geometry and I don’t remember any of it. I went to Half Price Books looking for a geometry book but they didn’t have any. I’ll have to go to another one tomorrow because I really need the book.

I’ve already completed my first assignment in my writing class and have read the first chpater of the next writing assignment.

I’ve completed section 5.1 in Calc 2 and started on section 5.2.

I started all this yesterday and have to say that I’m doing a pretty good job so far. But, it hasn’t been a week yet. I’m always like this in the very beginning. Can’t wait to get started and I always start off strong. But somewhere in there life starts to get crazy, I start to get lazy and then I don’t do it everyday like I need to be doing. But my plan is to make a schedule and stick to it so that I am not cramming at the end of the semester. I really don’t want to be donig that.

I’ve been at it all evening and I think I’ve called it quits for the day. I still need to find me a bag that I can carry all my books in but also to carry my computer.

I had a great time with Pudds in between church services. She gave me a rundown of a story she had been wanting to write. Her characters are Frankenstein Jr. and Pumpkin Jr. but she calls them Frank and Pump for short because she got tired of writing their whole name out every time. That girl is hilarious.

Pudds is supposed to be going over her multiplication facts. She’s supposed to do it everyday but instead she’s sitting up on the couch staring into space. Pumpkins is supposed to be cleaning up the kitchen. She was supposed to be cleaning it over an hour ago and she still hasn’t started on the dishes. I really don’t know what she’s up to walking around the house all slow like she’s an old woman.

I’ve got to go. I want to put all my school things away and get ready for work tomorrow.

Until next time,

Out of My House

3 12 2008

My house guests are now gone!!!!

Not because she wanted to leave but because I told her that 2 months was long enough and that it was time for them to move on. Don’t get me wrong, she needs a place to stay and I will still be there for moral support but I just couldn’t take it any more.

My family was getting very agitated with each other. The girls were always fussing and fighting because their nerves couldn’t take it any more. We were all in need of our house back.

Since they’ve been gone, things have been so quiet and so calm. My girls are now playing with each more instead of fighting each other.

I hope no one asks to stay with us any time soon. The last couple of times we’ve let someone stay, they were not very good house guests – and happened to be VERY lazy.

Watching Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer with the fam so I’ve got to go

God Bless