Travels…it’s coming!

8 06 2012

It’s been so long since I’ve posted anything. It’s not that nothing has been going on. It’s the complete opposite…everything has been going on. Life has been going on. I’ve been so busy with so many things.

First, I’d like to say my girls finished the school year off with a bang. They worked really hard this year and even with all the changes they have had to endure, they were very successful in school.

I’m back in school and it’s keeping me VERY busy. But I’m not complaining, it’ll all be over soon and then I can concentrate more on what I like to do…read, write, volunteer, travel.

In regards to travel, I’ve decided to plan little getaways for myself every month this summer. And if I can’t continue to do them every month after summer, I will shoot for every other month. It’s important for me to take some time out for me. I’ve always spent time taking care of everyone else. Making sure that everyone else had what they needed and always put myself last. Well, not anymore…it’s a new day and a new era.

So to start things off, I’m going St. Louis at the end of the month to visit with a friend. The following week I am taking my kids on a little getaway to Cincy. In July, I’m going to Detroit. In August I’m going to Owenton, KY. In September I’m going to Nashville, TN. I’m sure I’ll talk a little bit more later about each of these endeavors.

Although I have tons of work-work and homework I could be doing right now, one of my passions has kicked in – writing. I’ve been updating blogs for the last 3 hours. My trip to KY is specifically geard towards writing. I don’t want to do anything those three days but write. Enjoy the winery. Explore the vineyard. Take in the fresh air. Relax. Write.

Until next time,
God Bless,